



來源:http://m.yncls.com/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:日期:2023-09-14 0
3.1 標(biāo)志樁
3.1 Sign piles
3.1.1 高壓和超高壓管道(P>1.6MPa)必須設(shè)置標(biāo)志樁.
3.1.1 High pressure and ultra-high pressure pipelines (P>1.6MPa) must be equipped with marker piles
3.1.2 其他壓力級(jí)制管道可設(shè)置標(biāo)志樁.
3.1.2 Other pressure grade pipelines can be equipped with marker piles
3.1.3 標(biāo)志樁宜采用塑料或其他非金屬符合材料.
3.1.3 Marking piles should be made of plastic or other non-metallic conforming materials
3.1.4 標(biāo)志樁設(shè)置的位置和間距應(yīng)符合下列規(guī)定:
3.1.4 The position and spacing of sign piles should comply with the following regulations:
1 標(biāo)志樁應(yīng)安裝在管道的正上方,當(dāng)標(biāo)志樁用作轉(zhuǎn)角樁時(shí),應(yīng)安裝在轉(zhuǎn)角段中點(diǎn)的正上方.當(dāng)管道正上方?jīng)]有安裝條件時(shí),可設(shè)置在相對(duì)距離教近的路邊綠化帶內(nèi),并在標(biāo)志樁上標(biāo)明管樁適意圖可如下所示.
1. The sign pile should be installed directly above the pipeline. When used as a corner pile, it should be installed directly above the midpoint of the corner section. When there are no installation conditions above the pipeline, it can be installed in the roadside green belt that is relatively close to the pipeline, and the suitability diagram of the pipe pile can be marked on the sign pile as follows
2 全封閉禁入道路不得設(shè)置標(biāo)志樁.
No sign posts shall be set up on fully enclosed and restricted roads
3 標(biāo)志樁的安裝間距宜為100m.地面平坦、視礙少、管道路由順直的情況,標(biāo)志樁的安裝間距可大于100m.特殊地段,事故多發(fā)地段可以縮短安裝間距.
The installation spacing of 3 sign piles should be 100m. In situations where the ground is flat, there are few visible obstacles, and the pipeline route is straight, the installation spacing of sign piles can be greater than 100m. In special areas and accident prone areas, the installation spacing can be shortened
4 標(biāo)志樁的正面應(yīng)包含警示用語并面向道路.
The front of the 4 sign posts should contain warning language and face the road
3.1.5 標(biāo)志樁的形狀應(yīng)符合下列規(guī)定:
The shape of the sign pile should comply with the following regulations:
1 高壓和超高壓管道標(biāo)志樁應(yīng)為立方體,由樁和樁帽組成.
1. High pressure and ultra-high pressure pipeline marker piles should be cubic, consisting of piles and pile caps
2 其他壓力級(jí)制管道標(biāo)志樁應(yīng)為三角形柱體.
2. Other pressure grade pipeline marker piles should be triangular columns
3.1.6 標(biāo)志樁的尺寸可按以下規(guī)定選取.
The size of the marker pile can be selected according to the following regulations
1 立方體標(biāo)志樁的尺寸為150mm×150mm× 1000mm.
The size of the 1 cube marker pile is 150mm × 150mm ×  1000mm
2 等邊三角形柱體標(biāo)志樁的尺寸為b×h: 150mm× 1000mm.
The size of the 2 equilateral triangular column marker pile is b × h: 150mm ×  1000mm
3.1.7 標(biāo)志樁的內(nèi)容必須包含管道權(quán)屬單位名稱、警示用語、聯(lián)系電話。
The content of the 3.1.7 marker post must include the name of the pipeline ownership unit, warning language, and contact phone number.
3.1.8 標(biāo)志樁的內(nèi)容可包括標(biāo)志樁編號(hào)、壓力管道使用登記編號(hào)、管道區(qū)域名稱、企業(yè)標(biāo)識(shí)等。
The content of 3.1.8 marker piles can include marker pile number, pressure pipeline usage registration number, pipeline area name, enterprise identification, etc.
3.1.9 標(biāo)志樁的顏色應(yīng)符合下列規(guī)定:
The color of the marker pile should comply with the following regulations:
1 標(biāo)志樁的基色應(yīng)為白色。標(biāo)志樁上的文字和數(shù)字應(yīng)為紅色。
The base color of the 1 marker post should be white. The text and numbers on the marker posts should be red.
2 標(biāo)志樁的頂部應(yīng)為橙黃色(Y100M70)。高度為50mm。
The top of the 2 marker posts should be orange yellow (Y100M70). The height is 50mm.
3 橙黃色的下端應(yīng)有20mm高度的反光帶。
The lower end of the 3 orange yellow should have a 20mm high reflective tape.
4 當(dāng)標(biāo)志樁用作轉(zhuǎn)角樁時(shí),應(yīng)在標(biāo)志樁頂部用箭頭示意。箭頭的顏色應(yīng)為綠色。
When the marker pile is used as a corner pile, an arrow should be used at the top of the marker pile for indication. The color of the arrow should be green.
3.1.10 標(biāo)志樁的安裝應(yīng)符合下列規(guī)定:
3.1.10 The installation of sign piles should comply with the following regulations:
1 標(biāo)志樁基礎(chǔ)應(yīng)澆筑混凝土固定,確保安裝穩(wěn)固。
The foundation of the sign pile should be fixed by pouring concrete to ensure stable installation.
2 標(biāo)志樁應(yīng)垂直安裝。
2. Sign piles should be installed vertically.
Thank you for reading. The source of this article is: Gas Sign Piles. For more information and questions, please click on: http://m.yncls.com We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!

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