



來(lái)源:http://m.yncls.com/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:日期:2023-04-19 0
電力光纜PVC塑鋼標(biāo)志樁,中石油燃?xì)夤艿谰緲?PVC地埋警示樁,光纜警示樁,電力警示樁,燃?xì)夤艿谰緲?自來(lái)水標(biāo)志樁,詳細(xì)信息 PVC地埋式警示樁,光纜標(biāo)志樁,燃?xì)夤艿谰緲?自來(lái)水標(biāo)志樁,PVC地埋式警示樁,玻璃鋼標(biāo)志樁,光纜警示樁,燃?xì)饩緲? 玻璃鋼標(biāo)志樁,地埋式標(biāo)志樁,光纜警示樁,塑鋼標(biāo)志樁,光纜標(biāo)志樁,地埋式路徑標(biāo)志樁,燃?xì)饩緲? PVC路徑標(biāo)志樁,地埋式標(biāo)志樁,電力標(biāo)志樁,自來(lái)水警示樁,燃?xì)饩緲?電力塑鋼標(biāo)志樁 電信路徑警示樁 PVC路徑標(biāo)志樁,地埋式塑鋼電力標(biāo)志樁PVC電信電纜警示樁, 電纜路徑標(biāo)志樁采用高分子復(fù)合材料配以高強(qiáng)度玻璃纖維經(jīng)高溫壓制而成。
Power optical cable PVC plastic steel marker pile, CNPC gas pipeline warning pile, PVC buried warning pile, optical cable warning pile, power warning pile, gas pipeline warning pile, tap water marker pile, detailed information PVC buried warning pile, optical cable marker pile, gas pipeline warning pile, tap water marker pile, PVC buried warning pile, fiberglass marker pile, optical cable warning pile, gas warning pile, fiberglass marker pile, buried marker pile, optical cable warning pile, plastic steel marker pile, Optical cable marker piles, buried path marker piles, gas warning piles, PVC path marker piles, buried marker piles, power marker piles, tap water warning piles, gas warning piles, power plastic steel marker piles, telecommunications path warning piles, PVC path marker piles, buried plastic steel power marker piles, PVC telecommunications cable warning piles, cable path marker piles are made of polymer composite materials combined with high-strength glass fiber and pressed at high temperature.
It has the characteristics of high strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, impact resistance, no cracking, no discoloration, and long service life. The product has no secondary recycling value, therefore it has anti-theft function. Easy to install, it is an effective replacement product for cement warning piles. Purpose: Mainly used for cable routes in areas such as green belts, farmland, shrubs, suburbs where cable path markers are not clearly visible. It can be used separately for marking the direction of a single cable or for marking the direction of several parallel cable channels.
直線(xiàn)段宜每間隔100米設(shè)置1座,一般設(shè)置在各類(lèi)電纜井處。直線(xiàn)段較長(zhǎng)時(shí),在兩座工作井之間加設(shè)標(biāo)志樁。 ,為進(jìn)一步規(guī)范天然氣管線(xiàn)標(biāo)志樁建設(shè),燃?xì)夤緩?月中旬開(kāi)始,加快速度對(duì)原有天然氣管線(xiàn)標(biāo)志樁進(jìn)行整改及對(duì)新建天然氣管線(xiàn)標(biāo)志樁進(jìn)行埋設(shè),一個(gè)多月時(shí)間,完成了90%的工程量,共埋設(shè)了柱狀標(biāo)志樁1087只,人行道上的塊狀標(biāo)志樁正在敷設(shè)中。
One straight section should be set every 100 meters, usually at various cable wells. When the straight section is long, sign stakes should be added between the two working shafts, In order to further standardize the construction of natural gas pipeline marker piles, the gas company has accelerated the rectification of the original natural gas pipeline marker piles and the burial of new natural gas pipeline marker piles since mid August. In over a month, 90% of the work has been completed, with a total of 1087 column shaped marker piles buried. The block shaped marker piles on the sidewalk are currently being laid.
電力塑鋼標(biāo)志樁 電信路徑警示樁 PVC路徑標(biāo)志樁,地埋式塑鋼電力標(biāo)志樁PVC電信電纜警示樁, 電纜路徑標(biāo)志樁采用高分子復(fù)合材料配以高強(qiáng)度玻璃纖維經(jīng)高溫壓制而成。具有強(qiáng)度高,重量輕,耐腐蝕,抗沖擊,不龜裂,不變色,使用壽命長(zhǎng)等特點(diǎn)。產(chǎn)品無(wú)二次回收價(jià)值,因此具有防盜功能。安裝簡(jiǎn)便,是水泥警示樁的有效換代產(chǎn)品
Electric power plastic steel marker pile, telecommunication path warning pile, PVC path marker pile, buried plastic steel power marker pile, PVC telecommunication cable warning pile, cable path marker pile is made of polymer composite material combined with high-strength glass fiber, which is pressed at high temperature. It has the characteristics of high strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, impact resistance, no cracking, no discoloration, and long service life. The product has no secondary recycling value, therefore it has anti-theft function. Easy to install and an effective replacement product for cement warning piles
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